



发布时间: 2024-05-27 08:42 投稿单位: 宜兴市桃溪中学 浏览量: 1496 【公开】



Do It Yourself—integrated skills

宜兴市桃溪中学   夏云


本课是围绕课题《基于英语学习活动观的英语教学实践研究》上的一节研究课,更是把英语学习活动观运用于Integrated skills这一课时的一次“好课堂”探究课。




I. Teaching aims and learning objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. obtain the key information from listening;

2. express opinions about DIY;

3. become more interested in DIY by listening and speaking.


II. Teaching contents

1. New words and phrases: grape, strawberry,  spoon, salad, mix, add, example, leave, correct, finished

2. New structures: Cut some of the larger fruit into small pieces.


III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

1. Obtain the key information from listening;

2. Express opinions about DIY.


IV. Teaching procedures

A  How to make a fruit salad

Step 1 Lead-in.

Guess what we need for making a salad.

T: Today we’ll going to learn how to DIY some delicious food, such as a fruit salad. 

T: If we want to make a fruit salad, what do we need? Fruit! Right, we may need bananas, apples, strawberries and grapes. Now read the new words after me: strawberry, grape. Of course we also need salad cream. Now read after me: salad cream. We need fruit and salad cream to make a fruit salad, but are they enough?



Step 2 Presentation

1. Listen to the conversation

Play the recording for the first time and get students to answer the questions.

T: Amy and Suzy are making a fruit salad,Let’s listen to their conversation and find out what they need to make a fruit salad.

2. Put the steps in the right order

T: Now we know what we need to make a fruit salad, but how can we make it? Here are some steps of making a fruit salad. Let’s see them together. Are they right? No, they are in the wrong order. Can you put them in the right order? All of you did a good job. If we want to make a fruit salad, we’d better remember these steps. Please pay attention to the order of time: first, then, next, and at last. Let’s have a try! 

3. Ask some students to retell the order of making a fruit salad.

4. Tips for making a fruit salad

T: Now we have known how to make a fruit salad. Do you want to make it better? Here are some tips for you. Let’s listen to the tape and complete the notes. I hope these tips will be help to you. 

Listen to the tape and then check the answers with the students. Get the students to read the passage and then deal with some language points such as: leave it in the air.



B Speak up: Let’s make some sandwiches.

Step 1 Presentation

1. Listen and answer

T: Since we have known how to make a good fruit salad, why not make some sandwiches for lunch? Sandy and her mum are talking about making some sandwiches. Let’s listen to their dialogue and then answer three questions.

What are they going to make for lunch? (Some sandwiches)

Are they quick and easy to make? (Yes, they are.)

What do they need to make a sandwich?

2. Get students to read the dialogue together

T: Since we have known what we need to make a sandwich, let’s read the dialogue again to find out how to make it. Please read the dialogue carefully and pay attention to the sequence: first, then, next and just.

3. Sum up the steps of making sandwich

Ask some students to find out the steps of making a sandwich and try to retell in their own words. 

T: All of you have found the steps of making a sandwich, can you remember them? Let’s have a try!

4. Act out your own dialogue

Give students some time to work with their partners and then act out their new dialogue. Here is a model dialogue. 

A: It’s time for …

B: OK. Let’s … 

A: Are they …?

B: Sure. First, … Then, ... 

A: Next, …

B: That’s …  

A: Is that …?

B: Well. Just … Finished!  


Step 2 Extension 

1. Discussion

What other DIY works can we do in our daily life? 

2. Show students how to make a banana milk shake

3. Summary

T: Thank you, guys! And all of you did a good job today. I had some advice for you. As Grade 8 students, you must be very busy with your lessons. As you see, we can still make our life more colourful with our hands and mind. 



V. Homework

1. Find out more works about DIY around you;

2. Make a fruit salad or sandwiches for your parents tonight.






(供稿:宜兴市桃溪中学  余娟




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